Friday, November 5, 2010

The harsh realities...

            Well the Midterms are finally over and the Republican Party is now in control of the House. The polls said that almost 60% of people wanted more jobs and a better economy, let’s see what they are getting for their money…

1.      Smaller Government.  Reality: almost 200,000 government jobs lost so all those people on Unemployment, a program by the way that the Republicans and Tea Party want abolished. And for the several friends I have on Facebook that work for the Government 2 for ICE and several in the Military hope you are still working next year.
2.      Tax cuts across the board.  Reality: a budget deficit created of around a trillion dollars. But they figure they can get that back by privatizing Social security, eliminating the Dept. of Education, eliminating Medicare and Medicaid and privatizing the VA..

Now lets talk about the things that most people forget about when voting on pure rhetoric…what the base of the GOP stands for…

1.       Re-Writing the First Amendment. They want Religion to be taught in all public schools…not just religion but only Judeo Christian Religion…no others.
2.       Repeal Roe v Wade.  Abortion will be totally illegal…even in cases of rape and incest. If you do have an abortion you will be put in prison for murder.
3.       No gun control at all.  Don’t get me wrong on this one…I have owned guns all my life and have no problem with people owning any and all types of weapon…but if you can’t wait 3-7 days in order to buy a gun…you probably shouldn’t have one. And if they want your fingerprint in order to run a background check so be it…again if you have a problem with that you probably shouldn’t own a gun cuz you’re hiding something.
4.       Repeal of Healthcare bill.  I don’t have a real problem with this as long as everybody is ok with Medicare and Medicaid…oh that’s right they want to abolish those programs too…so I guess the new health care program for the country is simple….don’t get sick, and if you do, die quickly.
5.       Repeal all Wall Street reforms that have been put in place.  Ya we can all trust those guys to just do the right thing. Hope you all like those jumps to 30% interest rates on your credit cards.

       Look I’m not trying to say the Democrats can do it any better, I guess though that I am a blue dog Liberal. I’m just trying to say that we have been in a deep recession since 2004 and it’s going to take more than 2 years to dig out of it. I’m sorry that we are such an impatient people that we can’t give at least as long as it took to get into this mess to get out of it, unfortunately I feel like we just made a deal with the devil to try and get out of it.

       The latest election to me was a true view on what our political system has become…for sale to the highest bidder.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Time warp...and not in a good way.

            It seems to me that our wonderful country is moving back toward the dark ages a little too quickly for my liking.  Racism is running rampant with the attacks on Hispanics and Muslims in this country. The thought that it is all of them that are bad is the popular idea instead of a fringe belief, and that worries me. Next it will be blacks and Jews again and then women, and don’t forget those pesky Asians that tried to kill us all in World War II.

            I’m starting to think there will soon be segregated busses for people that are too worried to ride the bus with Latino’s or Muslims. We pretty much already self segregate our communities and are fearful of Muslims wearing their turbans openly in public or a group of blacks or Hispanics gathered anywhere we are trying to walk. I remember distinctly a dear friend thinking I was insane for not crossing the street to avoid a group of Hispanic men standing on a corner. I simply acknowledged them as I walked by and they all smiled and let us by without incident. Granted I’m 6’4” 220 pounds but still….

            We are also heading back in time to a place where you needed to own property in order to vote. In the state of Washington as with many states, it is going to an all mail in ballot system. When I asked what happens if you don’t have an address to send the ballot I was told you need to go to one of five polling places set up in the state for actual stand in the booth voting. Oh and you will need proof of your address to vote in the elections.

            I was also told that to vote by mail in ballot you will need to pay the $.70 for the stamp or your ballot will go to the dead mail section of the Post office…so it costs you money to vote already. When I brought this to the attention of the DNC they replied, “It’s a pretty cheep price to pay for freedom.”  The next step I was told is an all computer vote…what if you can’t afford a computer…oh that’s right the 2 hour trip to a voting station will still be available…for now.

            We fought too hard in this country for the rights of all people to vote their ideals and it scares me to think those hard fought rights could go the way of the Dodo.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

News Shmews....

          When I was growing up political advertising had a standard that I thought fair. Equal time for all candidates on television and radio. I was watching House last night and saw 15 adds for the Republicans and no adds for the Democrats… That hardly seems fair to me. I guess it has all become about the money. Granted it was a Fox Broadcasting station so I expected a little bias but that was ridiculous.

          I’m not sure what rules are involved for a TV station to get it’s license but it seems to me that if you are going to side one way or the other in a political race you should not be able to broadcast “news” and Fox claims to have Fair and Balanced coverage of major news events. How can anyone truly believe that is the case when they are so obviously biased?

          I feel that stations like Fox and MSNBC who side so obviously in these political races should be referred to as Fox and MSNBC Entertainment…not Fox News or MSNBC News….it’s not news they are putting out…but propaganda.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sugar High...

            For the last few months I have been trying…key word trying…to cut the sugar out of my diet. I love my cookies, cakes, Ice creams, fudge, brownies and most anything with frosting. As Eric Clapton said it’s most definitely the hardest drug I have ever tried to quit. As I type this up I fell off the wagon of almost a week and ate most of a bag of soft batch chocolate chip cookies and feel as though I just chugged an entire pot of coffee…not going to be a good night for sleeping…great for typing though, as my fingers are flying over the keyboard.

            I’ve been trying to quit not for the obvious reasons…I have a high metabolism so I don’t gain much weight, and not for the obvious health reasons. It’s all because I sleep like a crack head when I eat too much sugar. In years past I always had my pot to knock me out but since I don’t smoke anymore I toss and turn like the whirling dervish. And like all the drugs I’ve done in my life I have no restraint once I start…go until it’s gone …moderation is for monks…you’ve heard them all before, the point is I wont stop ‘til their gone.

            Well tonight has proven the point for me. After no real sugary stuff for the last week I truly do feel as though I am on a drug. Sugar is not harmless…it is an addictive substance that is harder to quit than a lot of the drugs on the market, and believe me I’ve pretty much tried and quit most of them. All I can think about is the song Sugar High…

Friday, October 15, 2010

By the numbers...

            The absolute disconnect I’m seeing in American politics right now I find staggering, and somewhat disturbing. We are in the biggest recession this country has ever faced with unemployment at a staggering 9% among working age Americans…that’s almost 1 in 10 people…and yet the Democrat and Republican parties have invested a staggering $800,000,000 on political advertising to put a handful of people into jobs that pay $130,00 a year.

            If you look at it this way perhaps you will understand my angst. You could put 160,000 people to work for the next year and pay them $25,000 for that year’s work, that’s only 1% of the unemployed, but it’s a start.  You could have paid off 1% of the stimulus that they said is costing everyone so much money. You could pay off .8% off the national deficit. For $0.39 a day, according to UNICEF, you could feed Manuel and his entire family for a week., so you could feed the entire country Manuel lives in for 10 years.

            But instead they choose to misrepresent what the American people want by maligning the other candidate. This isn’t politics it’s a scandal of the highest order to me. People are hurting in this country and instead of fixing anything they argue about their own personal beliefs and furthering their own personal agendas. there is no representation anymore we are simply paying for a “Good Old Boys Club” to run our lives into the dirt all in the name of their idea of democracy.

We had a revolution in this country once for taxation without representation…

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tornado Alley.

Lost thoughts
Flutter through my mind
Like tornadoes
Wandering slowly in my dreams.

They rip through the
Facades that I have created
In the locked rooms
I call my memories.

Twisting and turning,
Wobbling in and out of my
Waking mind,
Like the drunken sailor I used to be.

After the dust settles
the debris falls around me
Like snow on an open field.

I pick up the pieces
And re-build
In a new location,
Outside tornado alley.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lost friends...lost rights

            I have recently lost several friends on Facebook from a post I made about the New York City Mosque and their right to build two blocks away from ‘Ground Zero’ of the Trade Center bombings. I know it is a controversial subject but to me it is a simple subject. We have the First Amendment right in this country to freedom of religion.

            If we take the stance that they are Islamic and they shouldn’t be allowed, then next comes the argument that they are not Christians and we shouldn’t have it, then the argument that they are not Catholic and we should not have them and that is why we came here in the first place.

            Look, the location might not be ideal and we may not agree with them in their beliefs but fundamentally they have the right to build there. I am an atheist (Swear to god) so I could make the argument that I don’t want any of them in my neighborhood or as John Stewart said we could argue that the Catholic Church shouldn’t be allowed to build a church near a playground. But the truth is they have the right.

            There is a reason that freedom of religion is the First Amendment to our Constitution. And it should be . I’m sure I will lose a few more friends for this…but to be honest I would find it hard to be friends with someone with that constricted a view in life. (Nice way of saying narrow minded).

Friday, October 8, 2010

The well.

Falling into myself
Is like a rock slowly slipping
Into the dark of a long empty well.

I tumble quietly
Into the darkness
Watching the world slip by.

Like fragments of time
Caught in clear pictures
Fly by on the rocky walls.

It’s not a scary fall
But more like an amusement park ride
Exciting and thrilling,
But in the end
Totally safe.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The River.

            I was standing waste deep in my favorite river fishing for the ever elusive King Salmon watching the sky turn a shade of purple I have yet to see in the crayola box last weekend thinking at that point about what makes me smile. I could see forty pound salmon swimming just feet away from me and Bald Eagles chirping in the multi colored trees, and yes eagles chirp…granted much louder than a sparrow…but still a chirp, and realized this is what puts a great big little kid smile on my face.

            The eagles were truly having a much better day of fishing than I was but I somehow figured I was having a better day all around. I wasn’t fishing to survive but simply fishing for the fun of standing waste deep in a freezing cold river at five in the morning just for the pure joy of the moment.

            As the sky went from a deep purple to bright pink the fog started to grow along the river and bury me in a cold bright mist. The trees took on an almost surreal look as the light grew but was diffused through the mist and made the trees reflect into the calm river turning it a wondrous kaleidoscope of colors. The fish jumped happily in the early morning light as if to say good morning, and also torment me in the process by telling me they were certainly there but wanted nothing to do with my tricky nonsense.

            I didn’t catch anything that morning but my breath, which in my case was desperately needed. So the morning was most definitely not a waste of my time by any stretch even though no fish were tricked by my hunks of metal being tugged through their home but I look at it this way, nature to me never ceases to put a smile on my face or give me that tingle one feels when falling in love, and it never lets me down.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Three little words.

            I’ve decided to sit and think about what is really bothering me about my country and it’s people and politics, and the same words keep coming into my head; Honesty, honor and respect. I feel that those three words can sum up the way I feel. Unfortunately it’s the lack of all of those things that I see.

            The lack of respect by people to each other can be closely related to the lack of the other two. But how can I feel that things can be any different when the people we have as role models in this world choose to ignore these basic ideals. I know we have the obligation to choose proper role models and mentors in our lives but these days honorable, honest people are hard to come by. I am lucky to be surrounded, for the most part, by family and friends that believe deeply in these things.

            But I must leave the house every now and then and find myself thrust into a world of disrespectful, dishonest, dishonorable people that don’t care what they say or do as long as they are getting what it is they want in life. When I was young we were taught to be aggressive in order to get what we wanted, but we on a whole tried to do it with a modicum of respect and definitely with truthfulness and respect, at least I was.

            But again as I watch our countries leaders lie to us and disrespect each other in ways that would make Al Capone proud I know why our latest crop of young Americans have no respect for anything. Why would they everything they see tells them that if you want to get ahead in this world you have to lie cheat and steal to get there. You don’t need to honor your promises because you have the right to change your mind every ten minutes as it suit’s the situation.

            I guess what I’m saying is we need to be honest to ourselves and therefore each other; respect our own convictions and beliefs and by default each other’s; and by doing both we regain our honor. People have come to know their rights in this place but not their responsibilities. It’s time we became responsible again

Thursday, September 30, 2010

A step

Take a single step in life
Not a giant step,
Or a small baby step,
Just the step you can take.

If you take a giant step
You might over step your abilities.
If you take a baby step
You might not reach your potential.

Life is not a foot race
It is a marathon,
You have to be able
To maintain your stride for a lifetime.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

As I sit

I sit quietly watching
 as people go about their lives,
Washing clothes,

I smile politely at them,
Some smile back,
Most don’t.

It’s sad to me
To live lives so close
Yet so far and away from each other.

We are, after all,
Quite the same really
In all our hopes
And aspirations.

It’s our hurt and damage
That makes us stay apart,
The little things we fear.

Life should be more
Than the things
That left us afraid.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

     I used to look forward to the election season and the whole process of picking the best person for the job. But as of the last few years I dread the inevitable barrage of negative adds, mudslinging statements and down right deceptiveness involved in the picking of the best choice for public office.

     Never have I felt so let down by the people in office today and instead of trying make me believe in them and what they can do to help our ailing country they simply make me feel like there is no true choice anymore.

     The economy is in the toilet and yet the two (now sort of three) main parties spend hundreds of millions of dollars to get their person into a job that pays about $130,000 a year. One in particular has proven to me that graft is alive and well by spending $10 million dollars of her own money to get a job that pays 1% of her investment. That doesn’t show a whole lot of fiscal savvy if you want my opinion. She would have to be in office 100 years to recoup her investment and will likely spend that much every year she wants to be elected. Not sure I would want that person in charge of my bank account!

     But to me there is no clear choice anymore. It used to be we voted for the best person we thought could do the job, then it became the lesser of two evils, now I don’t want any of them to run the country. I have the feeling deep in my gut that they are all lying, cheating and scheming for their own purposes, or the purposes of people I surely have never met or will ever know.

     So this year, and I know it’s wrong, I choose no one.