It seems to me that our wonderful country is moving back toward the dark ages a little too quickly for my liking. Racism is running rampant with the attacks on Hispanics and Muslims in this country. The thought that it is all of them that are bad is the popular idea instead of a fringe belief, and that worries me. Next it will be blacks and Jews again and then women, and don’t forget those pesky Asians that tried to kill us all in World War II.
I’m starting to think there will soon be segregated busses for people that are too worried to ride the bus with Latino’s or Muslims. We pretty much already self segregate our communities and are fearful of Muslims wearing their turbans openly in public or a group of blacks or Hispanics gathered anywhere we are trying to walk. I remember distinctly a dear friend thinking I was insane for not crossing the street to avoid a group of Hispanic men standing on a corner. I simply acknowledged them as I walked by and they all smiled and let us by without incident. Granted I’m 6’4” 220 pounds but still….
We are also heading back in time to a place where you needed to own property in order to vote. In the state of Washington as with many states, it is going to an all mail in ballot system. When I asked what happens if you don’t have an address to send the ballot I was told you need to go to one of five polling places set up in the state for actual stand in the booth voting. Oh and you will need proof of your address to vote in the elections.
I was also told that to vote by mail in ballot you will need to pay the $.70 for the stamp or your ballot will go to the dead mail section of the Post office…so it costs you money to vote already. When I brought this to the attention of the DNC they replied, “It’s a pretty cheep price to pay for freedom.” The next step I was told is an all computer vote…what if you can’t afford a computer…oh that’s right the 2 hour trip to a voting station will still be available…for now.
We fought too hard in this country for the rights of all people to vote their ideals and it scares me to think those hard fought rights could go the way of the Dodo.