Thursday, September 30, 2010

A step

Take a single step in life
Not a giant step,
Or a small baby step,
Just the step you can take.

If you take a giant step
You might over step your abilities.
If you take a baby step
You might not reach your potential.

Life is not a foot race
It is a marathon,
You have to be able
To maintain your stride for a lifetime.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

As I sit

I sit quietly watching
 as people go about their lives,
Washing clothes,

I smile politely at them,
Some smile back,
Most don’t.

It’s sad to me
To live lives so close
Yet so far and away from each other.

We are, after all,
Quite the same really
In all our hopes
And aspirations.

It’s our hurt and damage
That makes us stay apart,
The little things we fear.

Life should be more
Than the things
That left us afraid.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

     I used to look forward to the election season and the whole process of picking the best person for the job. But as of the last few years I dread the inevitable barrage of negative adds, mudslinging statements and down right deceptiveness involved in the picking of the best choice for public office.

     Never have I felt so let down by the people in office today and instead of trying make me believe in them and what they can do to help our ailing country they simply make me feel like there is no true choice anymore.

     The economy is in the toilet and yet the two (now sort of three) main parties spend hundreds of millions of dollars to get their person into a job that pays about $130,000 a year. One in particular has proven to me that graft is alive and well by spending $10 million dollars of her own money to get a job that pays 1% of her investment. That doesn’t show a whole lot of fiscal savvy if you want my opinion. She would have to be in office 100 years to recoup her investment and will likely spend that much every year she wants to be elected. Not sure I would want that person in charge of my bank account!

     But to me there is no clear choice anymore. It used to be we voted for the best person we thought could do the job, then it became the lesser of two evils, now I don’t want any of them to run the country. I have the feeling deep in my gut that they are all lying, cheating and scheming for their own purposes, or the purposes of people I surely have never met or will ever know.

     So this year, and I know it’s wrong, I choose no one.