Tuesday, October 26, 2010

News Shmews....

          When I was growing up political advertising had a standard that I thought fair. Equal time for all candidates on television and radio. I was watching House last night and saw 15 adds for the Republicans and no adds for the Democrats… That hardly seems fair to me. I guess it has all become about the money. Granted it was a Fox Broadcasting station so I expected a little bias but that was ridiculous.

          I’m not sure what rules are involved for a TV station to get it’s license but it seems to me that if you are going to side one way or the other in a political race you should not be able to broadcast “news” and Fox claims to have Fair and Balanced coverage of major news events. How can anyone truly believe that is the case when they are so obviously biased?

          I feel that stations like Fox and MSNBC who side so obviously in these political races should be referred to as Fox and MSNBC Entertainment…not Fox News or MSNBC News….it’s not news they are putting out…but propaganda.

1 comment:

  1. Once again, I agree with you. The truth is, most people I know either hit the mute button or turn to another station.
